Editor’s Note
- Changing to continue
Antonio Carlos de Souza Lima, Andréa de Souza Lobo
In Memorian
- Sergio Figueiredo Ferretti
in memoriam (08/11/1937 – 23/05/2018)
Maristela de Paula Andrade
- Planes of forgetting:
suicide among the Ticuna and the administration of
narratives about suicide
Aline Moreira Magalhães
- Remaking everything:
the clash between Bigfoot, the termites and other strange miasmic emanations in an old industrial design school
Zoy Anastassakis
- Landscapes of memory:
the first visual images of the Bororo of Central Brazil
Edgar Teodoro da Cunha; Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
- Indigenous health in Brazil:
Reflections on forms of violence
Carla Costa Teixeira; Cristina Dias da Silva
- Devenir sujet:
les expériences des jeunes sous Contrat jeune majeur en France
Fernanda Cruz Rifiotis
- Historias detrás de objetos:
organizadores y vendedores en un circuito de eventos
María Cecilia Díaz
- Political agency of indigenous peoples:
the Guarani-Kaiowa’s fight for survival and recognition
Antonio A. R. Ioris
- The spirit underneath:
Development, race and moral economy in Central Mozambique
Inácio Dias de Andrade
- “Mestizo cattle is like us people”:
Reflections on cattle, family and coloniality
Leonardo Vilaça Dupin
- Machines among the crowd:
On the political effects of algorithmic production of social currents
Jair de Souza Ramos
- The 2018 Brazilian Elections and the Digital World:
A case study about the digital game Bolsomito 2k18
Laura Graziela Gomes, Tony Bela Alves, Christian Thorstensen, Isabele Acácio Soares
Dossier “Safeguarding, its Genealogy and Governance.
Two Essays on UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage”
Antonio Arantes
- Safeguarding:
A key dispositif of UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Antonio Arantes
- The Governance of Safeguarding:
Comments on Article 2.3 of UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Antonio Arantes
Déjà Lu
- Patrimonial Citizenship
Manuel Lima Filho
Dossier “Technique, power, transformation”
Fabio Mura, Carlos Emanuel Sautchuk
- Technique, power, transformation:
Views from Brazilian anthropology
Carlos Emanuel Sautchuk, Fabio Mura
Dossier “Technique, power, transformation
– Environments and Territories”
- Hunting paths in the Amazon:
Technics and ontogenesis among the Panará
Fabiano Campelo Bechelany
- Fire normativities:
environmental conservation and quilombola forms of life in the Brazilian savanna
Guilherme Moura Fagundes
- Household ecology, environments and technical processes among the Potiguara of Jaraguá village (Paraíba, Brazil)
Marianna de Queiroz Araújo
- Thinking About (and with) Maps:
A Reflection on Artistic-Activist Interventions in
Contemporary Metropolises
Guilhermo Aderaldo
Dossier “Technique, power, transformation
– Plants and animals”
- Fish news:
Perceptual skills, technique and distributed cognition in
mullet fishing
Rafael Victorino Devos, Gabriel Coutinho Barbosa, Viviane Vedana
- The tree that responds:
taming the rubber tree
Eduardo Di Deus
- Manioc-stem transects:
vital flows, technical processes and transformations
Alessandro Roberto de Oliveira
- On the way:
Technique, movement and rhythm in the training of guide dogs
Olivia von der Weid
- When the Animal is the Therapist:
Interspecies Practices in Human Care
Ivana Teixeira
- “It’s no longer the same job”:
robotization among breeders and dairy cows
Jeremy Deturche
Dossier “Technique, power, transformation
– Objects and skills”
- Fences in the borderland:
technique, landscape and the architectures of domestication in the Brazilian-Uruguayan Pampa
Caetano Sordi
- Ceramic Production Technology among the Asurini of Xingu:
Technical choices, transformations and enchantment
Fabíola Andréa Silva
- Digital Inclusion for Indigenous People:
Techniques for using computers and smartphones among the Pataxó of Aldeia Velha (Bahia, Brazil)
Isaac Fernando Ferreira Filho
- The Sound of Technique:
Gesture, rhythm and form in bobbin lacing in the
Brazilian Northeast
Júlia Dias Escobar Brussi
- Unproductive Participation and Protection Against Germs:
Technical-Ritualistic Practices in Heart Surgery
Marisol Marini
- The Amazonian Cowboy’s Ties
Pedro Stoeckli
Dossier “Anthropology in times of intolerance:
challenges facing neoconservatism”
- Presentation
Lia Zanotta Machado, Antonio Motta
Dossier “Anthropology in times of intolerance:
challenges facing neoconservatism – Debates”
- How will anthropology cope with the challenges of a
changing world?
Ruben George Oliven
Dossier “Anthropology in times of intolerance:
challenges facing neoconservatism – Articles”
- Brazilian Anthropology in times of intolerance:
The challenges of confronting neoconservatism
Lia Zanotta Machado, Antonio Motta