• Emerson Giumbelli, “Recomposing the Nation: Conceptions and effects of heritage preservation in religious universes”

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    GIUMBELLI, Emerson. “Recomposing the Nation: Conceptions and effects of heritage preservation in religious universes”. in: Vibrant – Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, v. 11, n. 2. July to December 2014. Brasília, ABA. Available at http://www.vibrant.org.br/issues/v11n2/emerson-giumbelli-recomposing-the-nation-conceptions-and-effects-of-heritage-preservation-in-religious-universes/


    This article seeks to contribute to the field of studies that, inspired in debates about ethnicity, discusses the forms and components of the notion of nationality. How and with what elements is “Brazilian culture” constituted? This question guides the study of landmark designation processes conducted by the National Artistic and Historical Heritage Institute, a federal agency operating since 1937. Considering landmark designation as a form of official recognition of a site as “cultural heritage”, the article reflects on the impact of this policy on two religious universes: Catholicism and Afro-Brazilian religions. The conclusions point to distinct forms of recognition of religious universes and to transformations in ways of conceiving nationality.

    Keywords: Catholicism, Afrobrazilian religions, Brazilian culture, cultural heritage


    O texto procura contribuir para a linha de estudos que, inspirada em debates sobre etnicidade, problematiza as formas e os componentes da noção de nacionalidade. De que maneira e com que elementos se constitui a “cultura brasileira”? Tal indagação orienta a pesquisa de processos de tombamento conduzidos pelo Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional,órgão federal que existe desde 1937. Tomando o tombamento como uma forma de reconhecimento oficial de um objeto como “patrimônio cultural”, procura-se refletir sobre a incidência dessa política sobre dois universos religiosos: o catolicismo e as religiões afrobrasileiras. As conclusões da pesquisa apontam para formas distintas de reconhecimento do religioso e para mutações nos modos de conceber a nacionalidade.

    Palavras chave: catolicismo, religiões afrobrasileiras, cultura brasileira, patrimônio cultural