translations in the missionary encounter in AmazoniaAparecida Vilaça
the Baiana as the face of Candomblé
Robson Cruz
Dossier “Animals in anthropology”
Jean Segata, Bernardo Lewgoy
- Eating (with) piranhas:
untamed approaches to domestication
Carlos Emanuel Sautchuk - Village ornaments:
familiarization and pets as art(ifacts) in Amazonia
Felipe Ferreira Vander Velden - Matis Animal Feasts:
minimal mimesis for social relations weaving
Bárbara Arisi - About zebus and zebuzeiros:
value and price, influences and substances in elite cattle auctions
Natacha Simei Leal - The way of life of the Brazilian pampas:
an ethnography of the Campoeiros and their animals
Flávia Maria Silva Rieth, Daniel Vaz Lima , Marilia Floor Kosby - Notes on the bagual:
cattle raising, hunting and conservation in the Brazilian Pantanal
Felipe Süssekind - Sociabilities and sensitivities:
recruitments in homeless animal care
Andréa Osório - Producing quimeras:
lineages of rodents, laboratory scientists and the vicissitudes of animal experimentation
Marcos Castro Carvalho - Weathering
a graphic essay
Aina Azevedo, Sara Asu Schroer